LCMS group
The LC/MS group acts as a part of a Joint-Use Center of the Ural Branch of RAS "Сenter for Spectroscopy and Analysis of Organic Compounds" established in the Postovsky Institute of Organic Synthesis UB RAS
Contacts: phone +7 (343) 362-34-56; room N407-b
Activities: analytic studies and research
Research trends and tasks
Also two single-quadruple GC/MS instruments are available for analysis, which work in the Laboratory of fluoro organic compounds. These are Agilent 7890A system ("Agilent Technologies", USA) and Thermo Scientific Trace GC Ultra DSQ II ("Thermo Fisher Scientific", USA).
Provided services:Services in mass-spectrometry researches for organizations are available through the Joint-Use Center of the Ural Branch of RAS "Center for Spectroscopy and Analysis of Organic Compounds".
Quantitative analysis require calibration, so standard samples should be provided for an experiment. Statistically reliable results can be only obtained after a series of measurements.
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