Утверждена программа «Развитие новых методов и технологий органического синтеза» на 2019-2023 гг.

Сведения о результатах деятельности для экспертной оценки ИОС УрО РАН за период с 2014 года по 2018 год

Puzyrev Igor Sergeevich

Photo Position: Researcher
Department: Laboratory of organic matherials
Phone: +7 (343) 362-34-39

Puzyrev Igor in 2005 graduated from the Department of Analytical Chemistry of the A.M. Gorky Ural State University. From 2005 to 2008 he studied at the postgraduate I.Ya. Postovsky Institute of Organic Synthesis, UB RAS, and in 2010 he defended his thesis for the degree of PhD in Chemistry on the topic: "Synthesis and properties of zirconium glycerolates and nanosized zirconia". Now he continues to work at the institute a researcher of organic materials laboratory.


Area of research objectives, results


• Modern problems of materials chemistry, including the development of nanomaterials

• Creation of new substances and materials based on coordination compounds of d-and f-metal, organometallic oligomers and functionalized polymers

• Developed direction of synthesis of nanosized and nanoporous oxides from metal alkoxides as the precursors

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Наука Урала


VIII Международная конференция «Современные синтетические методологии для создания лекарственных препаратов и функциональных материалов»

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